“Agent Wonder: Wonder Brawl” from UltraHeroix
UltraHeroix has a new video available called Agent Wonder: Wonder Brawl. Check out more information below.
Hi folks, we are back with a special event! Continuing our story from Swiftgirl: Breakdown; The mind controlled American Amazon encounters and battles Agent Wonder. The agent fights with all her might to free American Amazon but will it be enough, especially when the super-powered X-Diablo enters the fray to destroy them both?
Video includes:
Sleeper holds
Bear hugs
Submission holds
Light bondage and more.Special thanks to HM for helping out with the edits!
Check it out at Ultraheroix.com ! Thanks to all and enjoy!
-Da Jinx
Purchase this video at UltraHeroix.com
Great video! Love both actresses equally and just wish they had a longer battle and KO’ing each other. Hope I don’t have to wait a year or so to see AW or AA again. Keep them coming Da Jinx!
Hi Raiderman, I agree that both actresses did a superb job. I also gotta give kudos to the male actor as X-Diablo he did a good job being a punching bag and also dishing it out too. I don’t expect a long wait before seeing these ladies again. Just spread the word and the more people that buy and give feedback will see a quicker return. Thanks again!
I really enjoyed this one. Agent Wonder made for a great damsel in distress as AA was menacing her with the bomb. And both fought pretty valiantly from underneath when confronted with the big baddie. It always amazes me just how heroic these characters come across in these videos. Well done.
And I do hope we get to see what was hinted at during the ending!
Glad you liked it ceej! I agree that Agent Wonder really knows how to show peril. I’m glad you like how we treat our heroines. I don’t want to portray them as pushovers but when they encounter a real threat and challenge we show the struggle. I think it just adds more depth and when we see the peril it’s more of a payoff. Thanks again and spread the word!
Just finally finishing watching it and it is so GREAT!! The fight scenes are amazing and the girls fabulous! Agent Wonder will always be my favorite! Please more Agent Wonder in the future.
Thanks MassEffectman, I’m glad you enjoyed it. The actors had a lot of fun making this and I agree the ladies did a fantastic job. Don’t worry, more Agent Wonder is on the way!
I would love to hear more feedback from those whose seen the video and if you haven’t yet…please do!
Thanks all,
Da Jinx
I’ll be picking this one up soon, no doubt!
…intriguing….I may have to “explore” this one a little closer….
Also, nice to see their original wonder woman actress is still available. I really like her in that role.
same. when i saw the thumbnail i thought we were getting an american amazon solo video. clawed intentions is one of my all time favorites