Hazbins 3MalevolentEntity on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/malevolententity/art/Hazbins-3-1148530970MalevolentEntity

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Hazbins 3



To celebrate the one year anniversary of Hazbin Hotel coming out, I thought I would put all my redesigns together into one updated sheet. Most of them haven't changed much since the last lineup, I think I'm finally settling into these designs for them. For this one I focused on pushing silhouettes and refining outfits. Specific changes include

Angel dust: another new outfit. The straps on his boots give more spidery energy. Heavier makeup. Man's built like a monster high doll

Husk: Made his bowtie more bowtie shaped. His ear fluff is hearts. His eyebrows are bushier

Alastor: I never remember his monocle so Ive officially ditched it. Swapped vest and pants fabric for better contrast. Black leather gloves with red gussets. Broadened his shoulders

Niffty: Victory rolls. exaggerated proportions. blue apron. Simplified bug legs (they're folded up inside her skirt)

Charlie: Made her lapels black for better contrast. She uses her trident as a pen.

Vaggie: Made her hair shorter and messier. Shortened her bow tails. Black shirt. Pleated skirt with X lace details. White soles and laces on on her boots. Swapped her spear for a billhook (better silhouette, more utility, a favored weapon of medieval guards)

Lute: Made her wings black and white with a short blunt shape (better for maneuverability and speed.) Shortened her veil. Modified her belt. Given her a dagger and flask of holy water, with thigh straps for added security in the air. Swapped her short sword for a montante great sword

Adam: Made his wings longer with denser feathers. Made his sleeves purple to read better against his wings and made the fig dagging pattern sharper. Gave him his spiked collar back. Added lots of goldwork embroidery since he's a fancy boy. He's so tall he completely throws off the image's composition

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