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Kishin Douji Zenki Wikia
65 Watchers511 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Deviant for 8 years
My Bio

Hi! :D

This the DeviantArt account of Semerone. :meow:

Semerone is the founder of Kishin Douji Zenki Wikia. The majority of the original works and fanart on this account are made by her.

Other works on this account feature art by Zenki7, who used to use this account alongside Seme for some time, as well as art features of our Kishin Douji Zenki Wikia community.

Feel free to check our works and contact us. We don't bite. Well... That's at least not unless you give us a reason to bite back. :meow:

Also, if you want to know more about former features on this account, feel free to visit our About us-journal archives by clicking the links featured below:

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The current avatar of this account is a drawing made by Semerone. You can visit the full drawing via our Featured Deviations section.

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Koji Kondo
Favourite Gaming Platform
SNES, Nintendo 64, Gameboy Color, Gamecube, PC-FX, PC
Other Interests
Wiki Founder, Wiki Admin
Hi!Recently, I stumbled upon this Pokémon Gold hack by Freako , which is called Pokémon Bronze .So far, I have 5 badges and the game is really a great throwback to the gameplay of the good, old gen 2 games.While I have found little documentation about it, I just decide to share some findings and research of my own with you, so todays topic will be the new Fakemons and Pokémon exclusive to this hack.So far I have encountered four of these (I don't know, if there are more and I am open to surprises) and will list them in the order they appear ingame, as well as giving you an overview of their Pokédex entries, their typings, their base stat...
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Hi! Here's an update on my current situation.  
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0 min read
Hi!  So, recently, I have been very busy with my new job.  While I like and certainly enjoy my new job, I am still hoping, that I will find more time for myself and my friends, so I can continue drawing and working on the wiki farm, as since I started my job, I wasn't able to make much progress on either whatsoever.Still, whenever I found the time, I was at least able to create some new art.When will I post that new art?I don't know yet, but I will certainly post it sooner or later.Also, sorry for letting you wait with my replies for so long.With the little time, I have on my hands now, I simply can't find the time to answer you, even thou...
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PegasusSeiya351's avatar

Hi there, it's been quite a while since we last spoke, how are ya?

Yasiku's avatar
MadsMadnessRage's avatar

thanks for all the faves and comments :hug:

MakiCreazioniandCos's avatar
really thanks for the watch! ^^
GabyCoutino's avatar
Nice gallery ♥
ZTheGS's avatar
Thank you very much! Hug 
Jasminethecreator19's avatar
Thanks for the faves! Giggle Heart