Hungary Region fakemon 01kitsune-roka on DeviantArt

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Hungary Region fakemon 01



Pulika and Pumoli

:pokeball: Pulika:
Type: Dark
Height: 30-40cm
Weight: 5-7kg
Region: Hungary
Ability: Rug mimic
Description: Pulika is a little rug or mop like dog pokémon. It cant see a lot because it's furr is always in it's eyes. Shepersd use Pulikas to keep on eye on their herd. This pokémon is likes to bark and have a lot of enegry.

:pokeball: Pumoli:
Type: Dark
Height: 60-80cm
Weigt: 25-35kg
Region: Hungary
Ability: Mass control
Description: Pumoli is the best sheperd pokémon in Hungary Region thank to it's 'mass control' ability' it can easily herd the flock. It's eyes are covered with it's fur just like Pulika, but it has a really good sense to orient. Pumoli is a very loyas and helpful dog pokémon.
Image size
600x327px 195.64 KB
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Mik a starterek a hungary régióban?