Terran Federation Strike Fighter F-79G Sigrdrifa+larrynguyen0096 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/larrynguyen0096/art/Terran-Federation-Strike-Fighter-F-79G-Sigrdrifa-821754825larrynguyen0096

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Terran Federation Strike Fighter F-79G Sigrdrifa+



F-79G Sigrdrifa Plus

An enlarged variant of the original F-79/SX-3 Sigrdrifa interceptor design, the F-79G is the Terran's mainstay variable swept-wing strike fighters of the fleet. Since the technical issues with the F-81 Trident program delayed their productions and the F-79 being the first prototype of the new Universal Fighter Craft progam to be fit for service, the Sigrdrifa eventually become the replacement craft for the aging F-76 Thunderbolt. First flew in 2662, the F-79 had become the most modern mainstay fleet fighter availalbe in large number of the Terran Federation Navy at the time of the opening hostility with the Batarians.

Since the original F-79 lacked the heavier payload and range for better ground attack capabilities and the refitted TAC fighter lines falls into obsolescence, a more modern strike fighter design was desired, the F-79G was made to be able to perform the interdiction and deep penetration tasks alongside the heavier F-80 Aegis flying wing attackers.

Although larger than the baseline F-79, the G model gained significant improvements over its predecessors such as enhanced defensive capabilities, more efficient high-output engines  updated avionics with A.I assisted control systems make the fighter an ease to fly, even for average pilots who transitioned from the Thunderbolt(1) and Firefox(2) types to the Sigrdrifa would have no problem in re-adjustment. This combined with the varied payload options and the higher degree of adaptability and low-operational cost of the baseline Sigrdrifa airframe make the type a versatile fighter-bomber, surpassing even the previous TAC designs of the Firefox and Thunderbolt lineages.


  • Role: carrier/land-based heavy starfighter

  • Accomodations: Pilot, Navigator

  • Length: 24.1m

  • Height: 5.4m (in flight)

  • Width: 23.7m, 25m (unfolded)

  • Max speed: Mach 7.1

  • Powerplants:

    • 1x short range Mass Effect FTL Drive

    • 2x Royce/GE-16N Fusion Nuclear Turbines (425 kN thrust each)

  • Protections:

    • 25mm armored bath tube cockpit armor

    • 2x ultra-compact kinetic barrier generators

  • Armaments:

    • 4x 25mm Yini-Mina pulse laser cannons, powered by rechargeable energy cell (500 shots each)

    • 2x Hellfire micro-missile launchers with 20 missiles each.

    • 10x hard points for varied types of ordnance such as disruptor torpedoes or the dreaded Ajax Nuclear warhead up to 9000 kg

(1) The TAC fighter from the original film series.
(2) The TAC fighter from Roughnecks Series and its Ground Attacker derivatives in SST Tabletop game.

Made for  for L4's Mass Effect and Starship Trooperscrossover fanfic on ff.net and alternatehistory.com
Current story arc can be viewed here:
FF link:www.fanfiction.net/s/12368590/…
AH link:www.alternatehistory.com/forum…

Made with Maya 2015
Rendered in Sketchfab
Image size
2560x1600px 428.3 KB
© 2019 - 2025 larrynguyen0096
anonymous's avatar
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Very Cool! has a Top Gun Feel to it!